How To Control Hairfall in a 28 Year Old Male?

How To Control Hairfall in a 28 Year Old Male?

We often think that only women suffer from hormonal issues and deficiencies. But we often ignore the fact that men go through the consequences of these issues too. Control Hairfall is not to be mistaken as a gender-based issue, but rather a worldwide phenomenon. Especially after Covid-19, the worldwide rate of hair loss increased by 20%. Surprisingly, the silent epidemic of hair loss does not just affect middle-aged men and the elderly but sadly, also youth of ages starting as young as 18 to 28.

Although very pesky to tackle, with a few simple measures we can reduce & prevent the chances of early hair thinning and Control Hairfall in men.

Come let’s do a deep dive on what are the few simple actions that can be taken to prevent thinning and Control Hairfall in men of ages as young as 28.

Blood Tests:

The first measure that must always be taken when noticing the early signs of hair loss is always to consult with your doctor and get bloodwork done. This will allow us to know what is the underlying root cause. There can be a whole spectrum of internal and external factors when it comes to the falling of hair. It could be vitamin deficiencies, bad diet choices, or simply genetics. But if we don’t know what exactly is causing the hairfall in the first place then we will be beating around the bush instead of hitting the crux of the problem. Therefore, before purchasing expensive hair oils or Control Hairfall shampoos that claim to reduce hair fall in days, check within.


A diet rich in protein, omega 3 and omega 6, biotin, folic acid & zinc is essential for supporting hair health. Protein creates keratin which is the fiber that builds the structural foundation of hair and gives it strength & resilience. A lack of protein can weaken roots & make hair fall off easily. In India, the deficiency of vitamin d3 is a very common case and a lack of the vitamin is linked with alopecia areata. Vitamin d3 is crucial in stimulating the growth of new stronger hair follicles from within. Also, a diet rich in iron & vitamin C can improve the delivery of nutrients in the blood to the scalp and increase collagen production on the scalp respectively. Foods like spinach, pomegranate, eggs, protein, fish, flaxseeds, whole grains, beans & carrots can ensure you curb any deficiency and Control Hairfall effectively.

Essential oils:

A natural alternative to chemical vasodilators are essential oils like rosemary & peppermint. Rosemary oil has been worldwide recognized by dermatologists, trichologists for its efficacy in Control Hairfall. It has been declared to be as effective as the over-the-counter hereditary hair loss treatment Minoxidil. One study found that peppermint oil increased hair growth by 92% over four weeks, compared to 5% for minoxidil. A vasodilator is a medication that opens blood vessels to allow for better delivery of nutrients to your scalp and roots.

Scalp Massage:

Scalp massages have been proven to be effective for Control Hairfall by researchers in Japan, even for patients of genetic hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. In particular, the scalp-over-skull massage technique has been recommended by experts to stretch out hair follicles and increase the diameter of the hair follicle. This helps with hair thickness and density. Use your fingertips to move the skin of your scalp around in circular motions and aim to practice this every day for 5-10 mins.

Stress Management:

Cortisol, or the stress hormone, is the biggest killer of hair follicles. No matter how good your genetics are or how healthy your diet is, if you are not in a good space mentally, then there is a sure shot of your hair being compromised as a consequence. We do understand that it can be hard to not stress when there are so many goals, deadlines, and responsibilities one would struggle to meet at a young age, however, here are a few practices that can help you reduce stress:

  • Practicing yoga or meditation daily for 10-15 minutes can help with Control Hairfall.

  • Breathwork and breathing exercises can relieve anxiety and keep you calm & grounded.

  • Use of aromatherapy—candles, diffusers & body products like bath salts can help you release tension from your muscles & make you feel more at ease.

  • Painting, drawing, coloring, or participating in any creative activities can distract the mind from any tension.

  • Dancing, working out in the gym, or just moving your body can help release any stored trauma and increase oxytocin, or the happy hormone in the body. Aerobic/cardio exercises, in particular, can help with hair growth according to studies.

Use of clean hair care products:

What you apply is equally as important as what you eat. Think of your body as a sponge. It absorbs everything that you apply externally, straight to the bloodstream. Here are a few harmful toxins that are commonly available in shampoos and oils that you must reject, especially if you’re suffering from active thinning and Control Hairfall:

  • Sulfates: These can strip your scalp of its natural oils and lead to excessive dryness and irritation.

  • Parabens: These are preservatives in simpler words, they are used to increase the shelf life of a product but are linked to inflammation and hormonal imbalances.

  • Formaldehyde: This is a chemical that is found in hair straightening products but is associated with cancer risk.

  • Silicones: These can make the hair appear smooth & shiny but can cause build-up over time.

  • Artificial fragrances: Certain people can be sensitive to fragrances & be more prone to allergic reactions, especially those with sensitive scalps.

Instead, choose cleaner, more natural products that are safe to be applied, for example, plant & herb extracts like rosemary, peppermint, lavender, etc., for Control Hairfall.

**Male Pattern hair loss is unfortunately a common and progressive physiological condition that men deal with. There is no absolute cure yet that is recognized by medical science but as we say, prevention is better than cure. Take all the necessary precautions and most importantly start early because TIME IS HAIR!

Avoid smoking & excess alcohol:

Not only for the hair, smoking stops all bodily functions and creates an internal havoc within your system. This is because excessive smoking & drug use can restrict blood circulation within your body.

This means there is restriction of blood flow to your scalp as well. In this case, your scalp is deprived of all vital vitamins & minerals that are required for hair growth. Control Hairfall by avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Excess alcohol consumption can dehydrate the body, stripping moisture from your hair and scalp, which ultimately leads to hair fall.

DHT blocker:

DHT is the primary hormone that causes miniaturizing follicles in patients of pattern hair loss. This is typically due to a high genetic predisposition and is naturally present within the body.

To Control Hairfall and prevent DHT from attacking the follicles, it can be helpful to consider the intake of natural DHT blockers such as pumpkin seeds, saw palmetto, spearmint tea, turmeric, amla, etc.

These foods can help with hair fall control by blocking the effects of DHT & strengthening the hair roots from within. These can be consumed in the form of soups, salads, chutneys, pickles, garnishings, bedtime drinks, or even supplements.

Avoid heat styling & use of headgears:

Excessive use of heat styling and products can cause thinning hair to weigh down even more. Too much heat use can damage hair strands and lead to breakage. Limit heat use for effective Control Hairfall.

It is also advised to limit the use of headgears like helmets & headbands.

Constant friction between the hair & headgears can lead to damage to hair cuticles and a receding hairline.

Say no to hair training:

Hair training is a social media trend that involves not washing your hair for days in an attempt to train your scalp to produce less oil. Little did you know, the natural oil on your scalp contains dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

Therefore, it is very important to wash your scalp the minute you feel the slightest grease. Control Hairfall by maintaining scalp hygiene.

Your hair and scalp are not pets to be trained but are functional organs that have a nature of their own.

Male Pattern hair loss is unfortunately a common and progressive physiological condition that men deal with. There is no absolute cure yet that is recognized by medical science but as we say, prevention is better than cure. Take all the necessary precautions and most importantly, start early because TIME IS HAIR!

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